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Camp Bighorn

A summer filled with wildflowers and answered prayers

Howdy Doody Yee-haws!

This summer I had the privilege to serve at Camp Bighorn in Plains, Montana. Some of my responsibilities as a summer intern included leading adventures and speaking into the lives of campers and other volunteers. It was a highly relational role that involved a lot of technical skills. I was responsible to build relationships with our volunteer summer staff, including leading devotions from scripture, modeling integrity, and finding creative ways to grow together. I created a healthy environment for ministry and played a part in spiritual growth of all the campers and guests. I had the opportunity to rotate through a variety of leadership roles such as; organizing gear in the pro shop, preparing food in the kitchen, leading adventures, and so much more.

The adventures:

- White Water Rafting

- Building your own raft

- Rock Climbing

- Setting up climbs

- Belaying

- Beasting (18 ft Paddle Board)

- White Water

- Flowing River

- SUPing (Stand Up Paddle Boarding)

- White Water

- Flowing River

- Hiking

- Forging Trails

- Leading Trips

These are just some of the many adventures we went on over the summer. As interns we got extra training and access to more last minute adventures not listed above.


There are many stories I could tell you about but it wont mean the same to you as it does to me. There is one story in particular that I want to have recorded for all times and thats about my fellow technical adventure coordinator (TAC), Jack.

A couple days before we had a camp of high schoolers again and recent grads coming our jobs were posted and I was paired with Jack. Jack and I had worked together with our day campers and we had worked together quite well. I told Jack I was excited to work with him again, however, his reaction seemed unusual. A day before the campers arrived, interns went out to coffee and were front loading the upcoming week. I was told that he was extremely anxious about guiding the Beast with campers that are much older than himself. It was a fear that was affecting his entire mood, facial expressions, and interactions with those around him. Almost a paralyzing fear. I did my best to talk to him and asked him what I could do to best support him, but got the same little nod and grunt as I did before.

Tuesday morning comes with our first adventure block being a group of graduated boys. I was getting anxious for Jack and how I was going to help him lead. That morning was dorm lead devotions, I took my girls to the orchard and I felt God was calling me to talk about all our anxieties. I spoke on how I was feeling about leading with Jack and the anxieties i had for him and myself not being able to support him best. I told that that I saw some of their anxieties it that God seems them and is working in them all. I asked the girls to verbalize what they were anxious about and them we all prayed a simple prayer together; ‘Lord, I give you my anxieties today and turn my focus on you‘.

Jack and I ran the Beast through cascade and the nine graduate boys and two older leaders seemed to have an amazing time. Afterwards, one of the leaders, named Greg, came over and pulled us to the side saying that he normally doesn’t do this but felt that God was calling him to speak to us. He turned towards Jack and said something along these lines - ‘I know that we aren’t supposed to know your age but you did an incredible job leading today, my boys completely respect you as do us leaders’… He kept going praising what great of a leader Jack was. As Greg was speaking I could see Jack stand a bit taller and a huge grin came across his face. After Jack left, Greg turned to me and told me that he was astonished how well I handled supporting him as the leader, when I was the head TAC. He enjoyed how I was able to give Jack the room to gain the respect of the campers but also able to take control when I needed to guide them safely back to camp.

I was awestruck. I knew that God works in our anxieties but I think that was the fastest I have ever experienced Him work. Everytime I think of this moment, I am reminded of Gods omnipotent power. I was able to tell my summer staff that night, how our prayer to God that morning was already producing fruit. I told that story to full time staff and my fellow interns, I just couldn’t contain my praises for the Lord.

Have you ever experienced God’s Power?

  • NO

  • I Don’t Know

  • YES :)




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